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27 years of professional customized gear transmission manufacturers, high-speed teeth, bevel gears for 10 consecutive years into the domestic gear industry top three, has been awarded 45 national invention and utility model patents

Large offset helical gear

2023-03-15 Source:Original Views:1021
  The gear diameter is 1450mm and adopts an involute gear profile. In order to reduce noise, the design incorporates increased tooth width and offset, as well as increased overlap. To address the issues brought by increased tooth width, such as machining and meshing, an LTCA analysis is conducted for the gear pair, with dynamic analysis using Romax, and techniques such as roll checking and modifying backlash are employed to ensure the reliability of gear engagement. The achievements of this project represent our company's in-depth research into bevel gear design and manufacturing technology. It has laid the foundation for the processing of large-sized involute bevel gears with large offsets, and accumulated design and manufacturing experience for the application of ultra-wide, low-noise bevel gears.


023-47852899 / 023-68185200


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