

Honor certificates

27 years of professional customized gear transmission manufacturers, high-speed teeth, bevel gears for 10 consecutive years into the domestic gear industry top three, has been awarded 45 national invention and utility model patents

Enterprise Certification of Yongjin Heavy Machinery

2022-01-13 Source:Original Views:1483


023-47852899 / 023-68185200


宝兴县| 凭祥市| 资讯| 西盟| 清镇市| 新安县| 芮城县| 敦煌市| 科技| 金阳县| 常山县| 泊头市| 临夏市| 明溪县| 克拉玛依市| 镇原县| 桐梓县| 镇沅| 滨海县| 图木舒克市| 万宁市| 江城| 开远市| 嘉善县| 基隆市| 连平县| 枞阳县| 伊宁市| 焦作市| 临沧市| 鄂温| 乾安县| 建宁县| 正宁县| 昌宁县| 禄丰县| 玛曲县| 亚东县| 敖汉旗| 苍山县| 汽车|